Life to fix

I've got this life to fix and it makes me very happy. 

  The constant feeling that I have all these opportunities to do whatever I want is energizing. After being actually ill (remember depression is nothing but a disease!!) I have a motivation to live which is bigger than ever. I can observe that situations (especially social ones) that not that long ago were giving me the worst anxieties, now, are neutral to me even pleasurable. Some things taking place in my life are being done unbeknown to me and probably that's better. All I want to focus on living the life, being present. That is it. I want to be curious again instead of scared, practice self-love instead of self-injury, being there instead of being lonely. 
  To fix means to work, sometimes it's a hard work, but I am ready for it. I appreciate my life more than ever before, no matter if it's 'good' or 'bad' experience. Everything that happens to me helps me. It helps me with becoming what I want. I've got plans that I can't wait to fulfill, I've got life to live, and myself as my ally. I am alive.

The Record Company - Life to fix


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